Friday, April 30, 2010
Praise You In The Storm
I am finding that life is so full of disappointments and shattered dreams. God is calling us to come and rest in his love and be comforted. He has compassion on us. He will see us through these trials. His grace is sufficient. He is a God of mercy and gives us the grace to praise him in life's storms.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
You Are Rich!
"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:2-3 NIV Bible
I heard this on my way to work in the wee hours of this morning. I realized that this is my purpose in writing this blog. I am really impressed that "in Christ are hidden all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom." So many times I go running around like a chicken with it's head cut off looking for knowledge. Or worse yet, I fret and stew, thinking about something over and over in my mind, trying to come up with a solution. Then I finally remember to ask Christ for wisdom. The wisdom may not come immediately, but it always does come. On the other hand, peace comes right away. I can lay this burden down, knowing that Christ will give me the solution. Actually, Christ is the solution to everything. He is our source. This makes us the wealthiest people in the world. So, enjoy your treasure.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Moses said to the Lord,'O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.'
The Lord said to him,'Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." Exodus 5:10-11 NIV Bible
God is calling me in ways that I have never been called before. My tendency is to freak out because I don't know how to do it.I want to stay right where I am until God shows me the whole picture. He is asking me to step out and trust that he will lead me. His calling isn't based on my ability. It is based on his. I get the impression that he is doing this with all of his children. Be encouraged. You are not alone. Now go; God will show you one step at a time.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Soul Glorifies The Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his
From now all generations will call
me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great
things for me-
holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who fear
from generation to generation.
He has performed mighty deeds with
his arm;
he has scattered those who are
proud in their inmost
He has brought down rulers from
their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
he has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
to Abraham and his desendants
even as he said to our fathers."
Luke 1:46b-55 NIV Bible
Monday, April 26, 2010
Are You A Wetland Or A Walmart?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 NIV Bible
Yesterday, Pete and I went for a walk at Ankney Hill, a local wetland and bird sanctuary. It was so beautiful with all the unique creatures showing themselves to us and singing their songs.
You were made unique as well. The problem is, you are being told that you are defective because you aren't something else. Maybe you are a wetland, but have been led to believe you should be a Walmart. You know, a one stop shop that has some of everything that anyone could need. As a result, you feel like such a failure. I have good news for you. God formed you to be you and no one else. There is no one in the whole world like you. You are not a defective somebody else. You are a wonderful you.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Don't Give Up
"Praise the Lord, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:1-2
This morning, I felt overwhelmed and discouraged. God reminded me of Moses holding up his rod while the Israelites fought. As long as he held it up, they were winning. When he got tired and put his arms down, they didn't do as well. God was reminding me how important it is to keep praising him and remembering the good things that God has done. We have the weapon of praise. We will win the battle. Don't give up.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Open To New Possibilities
"Jesus looked at them and said,'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 NIV Bible
Get ready. Change is coming. God is opening the hearts of his children to new possibilities. You will wake up one day soon and see all of life differently. You will rise up and move forward in victory. You are more than a conqueror.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
God Moves In A Mysterious Way
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:17-19 NIV Bible
I am again aware of God asking us to look up and hope in him. We cannot hope in circumstances, emotions, the attitude of those around us, human logic, or our past. God is doing new things. If we want to be about our Father's business, then we have to keep our eyes on him to see what he is doing.
These words by William Cowper are a great encouragement.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This Is Who You Really Are
I have read Proverbs 31 on and off for years. It made me just want to give up in discouragement. How could I ever measure up? I saw myself pretty much the opposite of this. I have to admit that, generally speaking, the women that I saw as super women, had great accomplishments, but were not very fun to be around. They were more like machines than people, cranking out great accomplishments. This morning, God held Proverbs 31 up to me like a photograph and said, "This is who you are." He wanted me to meditate on my identity. Instead of working and working to measure up, and then always feeling like a failure, he wanted me to know that I am this already. This is my identity. God isn't calling you to be good. He is declaring that you have an identity of goodness.
I am reminded of my favorite speaker, Graham Cooke. He says, "If that thought isn't working for you, have another thought." God is asking us to have another thought. Walk in your true identity instead of always feeling like a failure. This is how God sees you. Why would you want to see yourself any differently. Go forth, beloved. Dignity is yours. God is proud to call you his child.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Time For Full Nets
He called out to them,'Friends, haven't you caught any fish?'
'No,' they answered.
He said,'Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.' When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish." John 21:4-6 NIV Bible
Yesterday, this was part of the Gospel that was read at church. I felt like God is saying to his children that we have been fishing all night and not catching anything. He is calling us to new techniques that will succeed this time. We don't have to be afraid of our past failure. We don't have to be afraid of our future success. If you read on, it says that the net was full, but it didn't tear. Be encouraged. Don't give up or be afraid. Throw your net on the other side of the boat. It will come up full.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us
Then it was said among the nations,'The Lord has done great things for them.'
The Lord has done great things for us, we are filled with joy. Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." Psalm 126 NIV Bible
I am getting such a sense of God's children rising up out of bondage and oppression.I see unemployed becoming business owners. I see poor knowing God as their provider. We are no longer victims of the world and the standards of society. We are waking up to who we are in God and going forth in dignity.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sleep in Peace
Last night, sleep just wanted to elude me. As I meditated on the above scripture, I became very aware of God as my Father. I could see myself as a little child that trusted their daddy to be responsible for everything. The peace came. I am so thankful that we can put our hope in God the Father.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
God Has Many Gifts For His Children
"May everything good from God our Father be yours!" Colossians 1:2b The Message Bible
I am really aware that God has many gifts for his children. We are being oppressed from within and without. We are expecting things of ourselves that are not God's standards. These expectations have been given to us from other sources. Then when we can't measure up, we get discouraged. God has amazing gifts for us. He has an abundant life, filled with light and joy. We are to walk in victory and confidence. We are beloved. We are blessed. Look up! See the smile of love on God's face as he looks at you. Expect God's blessing on your life. You are not a failure. Seek God and know your true identity. He wants to set you free to radically be you. He wants to shower you with good things. Have a blessed day, my friend.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
He Gives Strength To The Weary
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary
and his understanding no one
can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tires and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31 NIV Bible
Monday, April 12, 2010
You Live In The Light
It is a new day and a new week. I want to remind you that you have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness. It seems like Mondays tend to be challenging. When Mondays come along, the weekend is over and it is back to the grindstone. It seems like on Mondays that reality likes to hit us in the face and discourage us. Well, the truth is, that is not our reality. That is the reality of the kingdom of darkness. We have been rescued from that. We are not citizens of that kingdom any longer. We live in the light of the kingdom of the Son. So today, when darkness tries to give you it's reality check, remember, you are not part of that kingdom. That is not your reality. You have been rescued. You live in the light. Look up at your source of light and hope. He will lift you above the darkness and restore your courage. Have a great day that is filled with the light of God's love.
Friday, April 9, 2010
What Are The Odds?
My husband, Pete, was pointing out things like that for us. Many years ago, Pete and I came to Vancouver for the World's Fair. We parked quite a distance away, so we took a bicycle taxi to the fair. Years later we were in Australia at a missionary school. Guess who was in our school with us? The man who rode the bicycle for the taxi. We are still friends with him today. What are the odds?
Last night we checked into a hotel with 20 floors. Pete went to get ice and found that 2 doors down from us is a man that lives near us and is in the same business as us. What are the odds?
God moves in mysterious ways that our puny brains can't quite grasp. He is moving, none the less. He is guiding our lives in amazing ways. We are not on our own. We are his beloved children. He has great adventures in store for us. He has wonderful people for us to meet up with. Watch, be aware of some of the great treasures that God has for you today.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
God has Gifts For You
"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Bible
God is asking us to look to the future, even the future of this day, through eyes of hope and expectation. The same circumstances will take on a whole different look. Yesterday, when we were praying, we felt like God wanted us to bring each difficult situation to him and ask him,"Where is the gift in this?" He does have great plans for each of us. We are his beloved, and he takes great care of his children.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV Bible
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
God Will Show You Life
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1-2 NIV Bible
I am understanding just how crucial God's love is to us. We are not just a house dog that is taken out on a leash a few times a day. God wants us free and in his love at all times. This is real and natural. Plants that grow in nature may end up dusty and looking imperfect by man's standards. We are not hot house plants. We are not hybrid animals that are groomed and perfumed and awarded prizes by human judges. God cares for us. He wants to strengthen us. He wants to equip us for freedom.
"Open your eyes, little ones and see my love for you. You have perceived it wrong and judge me harshly when I try to bring you true freedom. Walk in my love. and I will show you life."
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The God of Peace Will Be With You
"Finally brothers,whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things." Philippians 4:8 NIV Bible
As I wrote the above scripture, I sensed a sweet, gentle compassion in God's heart towards us. He knows that we have some very challenging things in our lives. He knows that there is darkness all around us. Our temptation is to dwell on those things. He is asking us to think about the good things that make us happy, the things that are right in life. Then he goes on to say in verse 9,
"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
Have a peace filled day as you meditate on the good things in life. God be with you.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Rejoice In The Lord
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 NIV Bible
As I write this, I sense an urgency in God's heart. We truly do have a hope that the world knows nothing of. We are blessed and cared for by a loving Father. The list of God's goodness towards us could go on forever. I know that we have many trials too. This is part of life. Rats! Anyway, I feel like God is asking us to make a practice of rejoicing. One activity that I have been doing the last few days is, first thing in the morning, I start pondering good memories and the happy emotions that come with them. I savor them like a delicious piece of candy. I know that psychologically and even physically, this has an impact. Darkness has to back off and make room for joy. God is asking us to choose that joy, no matter what our circumstances are and no matter what the attitude the people around us have. It reminds me of that song that says,"I'm trading my sorrows. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord." You can click the link below to hear this song being sung by Hillsong
Trading My SorrowsFriday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,
by night, and am not silent.
Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;
you are the praise of Israel.
In you our fathers put their trust;
they trusted and you delivered them.
They cried to you and were saved;
in you they trusted and were not disappointed.
But I am a worm and not a man,
scorned by men and despised by the people.
All who see me mock me;
they hurl insults, shaking their heads:
He trusts in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.
Yet you brought me out of the womb;
you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast.
From birth I was cast upon you;
from my mother's womb you have been my God.
Do not be far from me,
for trouble is near and there is no one to help.
Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
Roaring lions tearing their pray open their mouths wide against me.
I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.
My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;
you lay me in the dust of death.
Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me,
they have pierced my hands and my feet.
I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me.
They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.
But you, O Lord, be not far off; O my strength, come quickly to help me.
Deliver my life from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs.
Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save me from the horns of the wild oxen.
I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.
You who fear the Lord, praise him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!
For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one;
he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.
From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly;
before those who fear you will I fulfill my vows.
The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise him-
may your hearts live forever!
All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,
for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.
All the rich of the earth will feast and worship;
all who go down to the dust will kneel before him-
those who cannot keep themselves alive.
Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord.
They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn-
for he has done it."
Psalm 32 NIV Bible
Thursday, April 1, 2010
You Are Filled With Undiscovered Treasure
Do you know that you have a treasure chest within you? It is filled with amazing, undiscovered treasure. God wants to open it and give it to you. It is you to the max. You really are fearfully and wonderfully made. There are just parts of you that God has to keep hidden until you are ready for him to bring them out. When he knit you together in your mother's womb, he gave you the amazing heritage that came down from your ancestors. Every good quality that you have ever heard that your ancestors had, you also have in you in some form. He also gave you brand new qualities that are totally unique to you. There is one other element. We are now God's children, so we get to inherit his qualities too. These treasures are like an inheritance that can't be passed on until a child is ready to receive them.
I guess it is time for God to open my treasure chest. He said that I get to choose with my free will whether I want it opened or not. Of course, I said, "Yes." He showed me what it looked like as this chest was opened. Even when it was only open a crack, generational curses had to leave. They couldn't stay there when they were exposed to the light. Then when it was all the way open, wow! The gold sure did shine!
I am understanding that as I go forth in life, I am going to be capable of way more than I was in the past. Generational garbage can't hold me back. I am free to be all that God made me to be. I am not to look at my future based on my past. The possibilities are endless.
I encourage you to ask God to bring forth your hidden treasure.Then step out. An exciting future awaits you. Go forth and be you to the max. Look out world. Here we come.