
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

From My Journal

God told me that, like the moon reflects the sun, I am a reflection of him. I don't have to be a reflection of what others think of me. It's so subtle when men put their expectation in a world that fits in their box of life, rather than in God. It always takes me by surprise.

I almost never fit in anyone's concept of how life should be. I voice radical ideas that they try to stomp out like a fire. I address concepts that they have decided cannot exist. They state their beliefs forcefully, as if by them speaking with aggression, it will push away what I have just spoken. They have a rulebook of who God is and what his children should be like. When I speak of God and of who I am, it generally doesn't fit their agenda for life. They say, either silently or out loud, "No, No. This cannot be. Go away. We don't want you in our lives unless you believe like us."

I walk into a room, wearing no mask and no pretenses. They do not want to be associated with me. They want their fairy tale world and pretty costumes. I want life with both the sorrow and the joy. I want the adventures God takes me on and the beautiful things he teaches me. I want this more than being embraced by mankind. I want the truth even if it doesn't fit anyone's rule book. I want God for who he really is. The God who loves me for who I really am. He calls me his delight, the apple of his eye. I want this more than the approval of man.

So I will continue to walk through life on this earth. I will look up to the God who loves me and says that I am making a difference.

Come and walk with me on this journey of life. Be free to be yourself and be loved by the one whose love matters the most.

1 comment:

  1. I will admit that this blog is a bit radical, but coming to the conclusions that I did was life changing.
