Finding Philip, he said to him, "Follow me." John 1:43
Jesus asks each one of us to follow him in a unique way. I have spent years studying how to be a good Christian. I know that that sounds very noble, but the truth is that I did it out of fear. I didn't want to mess up. I also did it to avoid following. It's way easier to study about things than to actually do them. Remember how Jesus called Nicodemus to sell everything he had, give it to the poor and then follow him. I am becoming aware that each of us have our excuses. Believe it or not some of us are too busy doing "good" works. Some of us think that if we can just get our ducks in a row first then we will be able to follow more easily. Remember the guy that asked if he could bury his father first? Jesus told him, "Let the dead bury the dead." give up all your excuses and follow.
Jesus is calling you to follow him. It may not look like what the Christian next to you is doing. It may not be like anything that you have ever done before. Just do it. Step out and follow him. He is bigger than any mistakes you have made or will make. Remember, he asked us to trust in him with our whole heart, not our understanding of how to do it. He promised that he would guide us. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Put your hope in him. Give up hoping in you or your ideas of how it should be done. How on earth was Peter to know how to walk on water. No one had ever done it before. Just go. Jesus is calling.
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