Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5
Yesterday, I really struggled. We have had so many difficult things happen lately that I found myself paranoid, waiting for the next bomb to drop. I couldn't shake it. I cried out to God and he gave me this line, "My hope is in God." I love it when God gives us a weapon, which he does every time I ask. Anyway, it was powerful. Whenever fear or self pity or any other thing tried to overwhelm me, I repeated the line, "My hope is in God." The darkness took off with its tail between it's legs and I was able to continue walking in victory the rest of the day.
That seems to be God's theme for today too. We need God. We need time with him to get to know him so we can really know who he is and what he is doing. When people or circumstances gang up on us we need to encourage ourselves in God like David did. When we tend to judge and criticize others, we need to seek God and get his perspective.
I heard about a band called FFH. They were hit hard by many difficult situations. They came through the fire knowing that their hope is in God. Here is a song that is from their new album, Wide Open Spaces. the song is called Undone. I guess it ministers to me because I know they lived this song as they wrote it.
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