
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Desert To Dessert

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

Last night,I was attacked with a huge wave of darkness. I cried out to God, "I am in the desert again. Help me." Immediately, I remembered something that I had seen the day before. At this very moment we are in eastern Oregon, which is desert country. It is dry and barren, yet there are places that have been irrigated, and they are fertile and can grow crops or be green pastureland. God rememded me of one of these pastures that had horses feeding contentedly, right in the middle of the desert.

Then I heard God say, "I will give you streams in the desert."

I have been thanking God ever since for the streams in our desert. The darkness had no more power to intimidate me. God has me pondering deserts from a different angle. He wants us to see that he has great gifts for us right in the middle of the desert. We have seen elk, antelope, and eagles. There are red sumak leaves, sagebrush, gold, and lots of wonderful things to see. There is hiking and so many things to explore. For us the desert is actually a really fun place.

On the news we heard a man talking about having MS. He said that it is the best thing that ever happended to him because of the great good that has come into his life as a result. So God is not asking to just give us tools to cope. He wants to give us gifts that can only be had in a dessert. He wants to show us beautiful things and give us awesome experiences. He is actually really excited about the gifts he has in store for us. Most people avoid the deserts of life. God wants to lead us right into the desert. He is doing a new thing and it is going to be super cool. Drink deep of the stream that God has provided. Eat from the green pastures. Enjoy the beauty and gifts that God has for you. God will turn your desert into dessert.

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