
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

God Will Meet Your Needs

Something that I felt that the Lord said to me.

Why do you torture and beat yourself up, claiming you are not good enough? Why do you claim your past as if it were your own and long for your future as if it would meet your needs? Now, now is the time I will satisfy you. I will meet your needs this day. I will satisfy your every desire. I am enough. I am your all. Don't give up hope for dissatisfaction and discontentment. Come follow me and I will give you life, true life. What the world has to offer glitters and looks beautiful. What I have to offer is truly beautiful. I am truth. I will supply all of your needs. You can choose contentment. You can choose joy and hope. I am enough. Lay down your ideas of how you think things should be and come follow me. I will show you the way of life. Come eat of my bread. It is quite tasty. As you submit to my care you will develop a taste for what is good for you. I am your true health food. I am your manna from heaven. I am your all. Come follow me, and I will give you rest, rest from your labors of dissatisfaction and all your hopeless dreams. Come follow me and I will truly give you life. My lamb, my loved one. I am the Good Shepherd. I will care for you. come follow me.

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