
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Entrust Yourself To Him Who Judges Justly

When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
1 Peter 2:23

One thing have struggled with is being with people who have given into self righteous condemnation. I find it so oppressive that I want to run the other way. So when I am thrown into a group of people that have decided that how they dress, act and believe is the one true way, I have been doomed. In some gatherings, I found it so oppressive that I could hardly function.

Yesterday, when I came up against this, God gave me the word "justice." He was saying to me that he enjoys who I am. He is pleased with me and that through Jesus I am fully acceptable. This is where God had me dwell. I was to keep my eyes on him and his opinion of me. Anytime that I started to shrink in shame or rejection, God would say to me, "justice." It was such a victorious experience. I was no longer a victim of man's attitude or the lies they believed.


  1. Really, really good blog for Monday! I just got to it...well done my friend. I'm especially going to remember and use "Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
    1 Peter 2:23"

    The one who judges justly and in trusting myself...isn't that freeing?
    Not to have to tell or somehow exact justice ourselves? I feel like I've spent a lot of time trying to explain myself. If that person could only understand...it would be alright. It's a tremendous burden.
    Finally just to let the one who judges justly know...phew, that is really life changing. I like it! Laurie

  2. I know. I pray that God will let it sink deeper and deeper, so that it becomes second nature. Kathie
