
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God Loves Being With You

God is the greatest celebrity that ever walked the earth. He doesn't want you to just be part of his fan club. He wants you to be one of his best friends. You always have a back stage pass to all of his performances. You are not the unpopular one. He delights in you. He loves hanging out with you. He loves to have you by his side.
"Take heart, little ones. I care for you. The world will tell you all sorts of things. Be of good courage, I have overcome the world. Don't be afraid of the ones that would accuse you and tell you that you don't measure up. Come to me on bended knee and seek my face. I love being with you. You bring me great joy. Come follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men. You don't have to do this yourself. You don't have to feel inferior to those that look so successful. Follow me. I will show you the way. I will make you great in my kingdom. All other greatness is a farce. Come follow me. I beg you, come follow me. I will show you the way. You don't have to figure this out yourself. I will lead you. You will be amazed at your progress. You must keep your eyes on me and not on what the world is doing. Remember, I have overcome the world. You are from a different realm. I will not leave you behind. I will not give up on you. You are mine. I delight in you."

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