
Welcome to my blog. Here I will share with you some treasures that God gives me during my morning prayer times. I hope it speaks to your heart and feeds your soul.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You Are God's Pride And Joy

God said this to me one day. It is his heart for you too.
"I love you. This is the antidote. This is the one thing I would have you know this day. This is the solution to all your problems. This is the cry of my heart for you. Turn from all else. Turn to me, the one who loves you. I am pleased with my creation, My Little One. You are my pride and joy. You are my hope, my courage, My Little Brave One, in a world filled with pain and sorrow. Go forth in my kindness, for I am the solution to all of your problems. Look up. Hope in me. Look up and see the message blazed across the sky, 'I LOVE YOU!' Let this put the bounce in your step. Let this shine light and warmth into your heart. Let this go to the depths of your being and bring life to all the cold, dark areas. I AM the solution. Hope in me. Do not give up hope to the lies that would steal it from you. Receive my hope. Receive my courage. Receive my life. I love you. I spoke into the darkness and created light. Let me speak into your darkness. Choose to meditate on this one line, 'I love you.' This is the only medicine I have for you. Take it with a smile. I am not asking you to dip in a river 7 times, although you would gladly do it for me. I give you this one spoon of medicine. Receive it from me and all will be well. I AM the solution. I AM the answer to your problems. Hope in me. All is well. I love you."

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